Blue Boredom – "THE DIRECTOR AND THE ARTIST" by Purple Contrast
For just over a year, Blue Boredom has been the go-to name for high end music video direction and production. The Doncaster born director has played a significant role in combining the art, music and fashion world through the medium of videography. Through his work, Blue Boredom has promoted content collaboration and co-creation through which he has developed a strong client network stretching from Peckham’s Tiny Boost to Manchester’s Lady Ice.
The young artist has designed, produced and curated his own cinematic flair, ensuring that his music videos remain as vital accompaniments to his client’s music. Hence, his work both documents and influences current youth culture, making Blue Boredom a vital component of many UK subcultures. Through his collaborative nature and immersive videography work, Blue Boredom characterises the Stööki lifestyle.
We sat down with the young creator and discussed his story as a director / videographer and what it’s like to do his job.
1. What first got you into directing?
BLUE: I’ve always had a love for creativity, fashion, music and all of that kinda stuff and I just thought if I’m not going to be in front of the camera, I can do something sick behind the camera. So, I started off doing some photography and then that led me into filming and then directing videos.
2. How did you start actually recording videos?
BLUE: I did a film course at uni but in terms of ‘Blue Boredom’, I used to borrow a camera off my mate who had a sick camera - when you look back at my old music videos, it’s not like any of them were dead quality, cus I made sure I didn’t do any videos like that, I always used a good camera. Anyway, I borrowed this camera off my mate and my mate would come and help me out on shoots. He used to set up the camera because at the time I didn’t understand all the settings and all that stuff, but he would set it up then I would do all the actual shooting, that how it all started. But from that, I didn’t do any music videos for a couple of months, I was mainly doing photography and after that the clientele started picking up and everyone was asking if I would do music videos, so I tried doing a few music videos and then it sort of snowballed from there.
BLUE: Especially with the way we are with COVID and everything, music videos have never been more important. Artists can’t go and do their shows, they can’t do this and that, so music videos are the best way for them to connect with their fans. Also, I feel like if you’re scrolling through social media and an artist you haven’t heard of has dropped a new song and all they’ve posted is just an audio, more time you’re not listen to it but if you’re seeing some sick visuals with the song, you’re gonna get grabbed in by the visuals and then you might think you know what the songs hard too.
4. What’s your favourite video that you’ve recorded so far?
BLUE: Most of the time people ask me this, I just don’t know but there’s this one video that’s coming out soon by a guy called K Ace, who’s from Manchester, and it’s a lemon pepper freestyle and the video is mad. Everyone’s been doing these lemon pepper freestyles recently, but this is the sickest one and it might even be better than the original. Big up K Ace.
5. How much of a role do you like to play in directing videos as well as filming them?
BLUE: It’s a bit of a mix really, like sometimes I’m not a massive fan of directing. For me, I direct videos and stuff but I’ve always liked the cinematography and videography aspect more than the actual directing. If I’m on a shoot and the artist has a vision for the video, I’d rather be the guy that’s going to add to the vision and develop it rather than coming up with a whole new thing by myself. But when it comes to individual shots and the look and feel of the whole video, I’ve got that to a T, so how much I like to direct really varies and depends. A lot of it depends on the song and just how I feel about the whole shoot really.
J Dizz - Alright Directed by Blue Boredom
6. Do you ever feel like yours and the artists ideas clash during video shoots?
BLUE: Sometimes it does. I was literally on the phone with someone today and he played me a song and I was like yeah we should do this and this and that and that and he was like, do you know what I’m thinking we should do this and I was like ahh okay then we’ll go with your thing. It’s never a big serious clash, If the artist has got an idea, we’ll go with that and I’ll still try my best to make it look sick.
7. How important do you think chemistry is between you and the artist?
BLUE: I think its massively important. At the end of the day, if we’ve got good chemistry, we’re gonna get a better video because we’re both on the same page about what we want, we’re both willing to try stuff do you know what I mean. There’s this one artist I work with called J Dizz and what I like about him, is he’s down to try anything that I suggest, like he doesn’t mind if he feels silly doing it, he’ll just try it so I feel like if you’ve got good chemistry and you can bond, you’ll definitely make something sick. If you haven’t got that kind of chemistry, it becomes more like you’re just doing it because it’s a job rather than having a passion for it.
Lady Ice x Tiny Boost - The Way Things Go directed by Blue Bordem
8. What do you think you’d be doing if you weren’t doing music videos or anything to do with filming and directing?
BLUE: Fashion. I’d definitely be doing something in fashion. Already I want to start a fashion line so I’d definitely go into that kind of stuff. Either styling or having my own fashion brand. Or even being an actor, I’d love to do acting or something like that.
Photography by: Purple Contrast
Words by: Harris Bourne
Featuring: Blue Boredom
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Nemzzz - No Ratings
Blue Boredom is pictured wearing our Silver Connection Bracelet and our matching Silver Connection Necklace. Blue Boredom also wears our hand-crafted gold Crater Signet Ring made in London.