1. Introduce yourself...
I’m Rivaldo, most people call me Rivy. I like to call myself a multi-disciplinary creative because I don’t want to box myself into a specific title. With creativity I really want to stretch it as much as I can and go down different avenues with my creativity, I don’t want to be seen as just an artist or an animator.
2. What has been your biggest achievement to date?
I’m not even too sure. I do feel like I have achievements, but I tend to play them down a lot. Whenever I do something well, I’ll always think of how I can do it better. I never sit back and take the time to appreciate certain things that I do, which I’m trying to work on. Just being able to wake up and create art and do whatever I want, that in itself is an achievement for me.
3. What has been your biggest obstacle to date?
It’s definitely concerning my mental health. Social media, uni, even home life. Dealing with things, taking a step back, looking at your emotions and asking yourself questions. Why am I feeling this way, how can I do better, how can I persevere and not let myself down. How can I be more resilient to things?
4. What is your opinion on social media?
I’ll be real. It’s definitely a tool and a device. And in this day and age I definitely feel as a young creative, someone trying to get their voice heard, it’s definitely something which should be utilised. But personally, if I could have done lots of the things I’ve done, without it, I would have loved to. I’m not the biggest fan of social media, it definitely warps my perception of myself and sometimes the art I create too. But I do love the fact that I can connect with my audience and build relationships through it. A lot of the engagement aspects of social media though can definitely affect you, even without realising.
5. How did you first get into art?

6. How did you gain your creative style?
My creative style is something which came to me very gradually. It’s always been there but over time it’s developed. Living and experiencing things has just developed it. I’ve drawn from my experiences and drawn from my background - I’m Jamaican but born in the UK. The whole idea of the street, graffiti and even anatomy, I like to mess with proportions. Even the way I mess with proportions is quite sentimental. It’s almost like a caricature expression of myself, for example I’m quite skinny so I exaggerate that aspect a lot in my art.
7. What is the importance of art / having a creative outlet?
I feel like having a creative outlet is mad important. Everyone has their vices and their outlets and their way of coping. It’s just a way of expressing yourself. Sometimes there’s no words to describe how your feeling so having a creative outlet is so important. I would definitely recommend everyone to have one, it can really help you a lot mentally and with your happiness.
8. How was lockdown for your creativity?
9. Who would you most like to collaborate with?
I’d really love to collaborate with Clint from Corteiz. I’d love to collaborate with a lot of brands and photographers actually. Carhartt too, I love that skater, street aesthetic. I’d love to do some editorial covers, a lot of things like that. I’d love to work with other animators too, maybe in a studio for some time to get an idea of that sort of work environment.
10. Who / what has influenced you the most?
I’m influenced by a lot of things, so I’m not sure if there’s a singular thing that’s influenced me. Music has influenced me a lot, the underground UK scene, I don’t even think that title is flattering but that sort of alternative scene has influenced me a lot. Even electronic dance music, Mount Kimbie, Aphex Twin, loads of music. Photography has influenced me a lot too, Simon Wheatley for example, in terms of what I’m trying to capture with my art, belonging, youth, the nuances in being British, those sort of things. Also, other artists, for example there’s this dope artist, Poor Teffy, he’s been a bit of a mentor to me as well. Someone who I think of as a brother too – Delphino and the team over at Delphino productions. Being around other creatives inspires me a lot.
11. What is your long-term goal?

12. Any other creative outlets you’re looking at getting into in the future?
Follow: @rivythecreative
Photography by: @PurpleContrast
Executive Produced by: @Maya_Mihoc
RIVY wears: