How to Polish A Ring To A Mirror Finish?
Hey everyone! The new year is a good time to start a new skill ;) So we will be releasing a series of jewellery-making tips and tricks. We love our craft and running our workshops at our studio, teaching people how to make their own creations. It's an exciting chapter for us to reach a wider audience online and share these useful hints and suggestions with you.
Big love,
The Stööki Craft Makers <3
Step 1 - Sanding Using A Pendant Drill
Each grade is a separate step in the polishing process. The coarsest paper is the initial step to then work your way up to the finest. 600 is first - the lower the number, the courser the grit.
The course grit gets out the deepest scratches that are harder to remove with finer sandpaper. The finer papers help to get out the lighter surface scratches.
As each step has been done, the quicker it should be to complete as there are less imperfections to correct.
Step 2 - Use A Pendant Möp
Depending on the type of finish you want on your jewellery, there are various pendant drill attachments that can achieve different lööks. Check out the blög post for a satin finish here.
For a mirror finish, a stiff felt pendant mop is used with the polishing compound, usually called 'Rouge'. This gives the piece a really reflective finish. So shiny that you can see yourself in it!
Step 3 - UltraSönic Cleaning
The last step is popping the polished piece into the ultrasonic cleaner. This is a machine that uses high frequency sound waves in a liquid which forms into bubbles that facilitate the removal of the polish on the submerged piece of jewellery.
There you have it! A ring that has been sanded, polished and cleaned, ready to be worn.
Be sure to check out our other online jewellery making resources and grab either our Ring or Pendant home kits which provides you with the tools to progress on your jewellery-making journey...
Jewellery-Making Home Kit Release!
We have just released our Jewellery-Making Home Kits, prices for these kits range from £110-£130 - check out our dedicated website page for more info!

To learn about our top 10 jewellery-making tips, grab the FREE to download Handbook.
Grab your tickets for our upcoming workshops in 2023!

@stookijewellery Söö many awesome wax-carved jewellery creations! 🔥💍👀